Nick is an Access Consciousness Certified Facilitator. He has been trained to help people find their way out of their limiting points of view that stifle the infinite possibilities available to them. Have you always known that there is something more? Have you been wondering what else is possible that you just haven’t been able to put your finger on?
In an Access facilitation we discuss the life that you have created to this point and blow that box up so you can be all of you. All of the weird that people have judged you for, all of the amazing that you shut down so you didn’t scare people and all of the amazing that you truly be.
A facilitation with Nick empowers people to help themselves. The tools and techniques of Access Consciousness focus on your knowledge about yourself and the world around you. You are the only person who knows what is true for you and what would create the life you truly desire. There is no blueprint to follow, no guru to emulate. You being all of you is the greatest gift you can be to this world. What would it take to have more of that in your life?
You’re not wrong for desiring more. You’re not wrong for any of the choices you’ve made up to this point. You’re not wrong for being the unique and different person you are. Deep down you know there is more to this than what we are taught.
Your life right now is the direct result of all of the choices you have made up to this point. Your choice is also what will create your future. Your future is entirely up to you. You don’t have to keep riding the same track. You have an infinite array of possibilities from which you can choose anything that would be wonderful for you. What are you looking for? What could you add to your life? Where would you like to start?
Facilitation sessions can be done anywhere on the planet in person, over the phone, or on skype.